I do constantly update my Facebook page and all my Beatle posts are open to all.
Jackie Spencer Beatleguide |
Well my blog update is to let you know that I'm crazy busy on tours and never have time to keep this blog up!
I do constantly update my Facebook page and all my Beatle posts are open to all. www.facebook.com/beatleguide
2020. The year the World slowed down.
Well as we all know, life as we knew it ground to a halt in 2020. Here in the UK it happened in March. The Covid19 virus hit and we first practiced social distancing and then went into full lockdown on 23rd March. I went from a full diary and the anticipation of meeting lovely Beatles fans from here, there and everywhere to cancellation of literally everything and staying home for the foreseeable future. As I write this I haven't left my neighbourhood for 4 full weeks. Time to ponder and strangely enjoy the leisurely days, whilst at the same time watching incredulously as the death toll rises. Today in the UK over 16,000 people have lost their lives to the virus and the figures Worldwide are unbelievable. I am a positive person though, and now, my mind has turned to the future. Today I began participating in online courses offered by the excellent TTC group, and these include waking up to a new way of working. Good tour operators always have their customer needs first, and I have to say that last season TTC upped their game with hygiene levels on their coach tours and theirs is one of the models I'm following along with a healthy dose of common sense! This is my own 'exit strategy' with a smattering of Beatles wisdom It Wont Be Long But how long is a piece of string? When will the tours start again? Well of course there is no right answer to that. Each part of the World is at a different stage of the pandemic, and all I can say is when we're ready and that could be "Any Time At All" Getting Better As the World slowly awakens and visitors start drifting back to Liverpool I hope that we will be seeing the beauty of simple things with a new Inner Light. Baby steps mean doing things a little different and so I've made some common sense decisions as to how my private tours will be conducted. Hold Me Tight I'm usually a hugger if you are too! By the time you arrive in Liverpool we will have chatted on email or social media and I always feel like I'm meeting a friend in person for the first time. I'd at least meet you with a handshake! Unfortunately in current circumstances we'll keep to the social distancing for as long as necessary. Elbow bumps or foot taps are the new hugs...or a simple Macca style thumbs up. Private Tours: Hopefully the 2 metre distance rule will be relaxed by then as that would be pretty difficult in our Mercedes Viano. What I will say though is that the vehicles I use are spotlessly maintained and as an added precaution I'll ask my drivers to use a disinfectant mist prior to every tour. There are always surface wipes available. I will also make sure that every vehicle supplies quality hand santiser. For this I will work with local company Aintree Gin who have turned their lovely gin production over to sanitising products for our local hospitals and health workers. www.aintreegin.com If you wish to observe the 2 metre rule on private tours, then we can work it out by providing larger vehicles at a small supplement. On the shortest tours there will be at least 2 stops where you will be able to wash your hands. More for longer tours. One stop is at Penny Lane and the other Strawberry Field...perfect! Coach Tours: If I am providing your coach I will ask the operators to commit to the standards above. I will also provide hand santiser to be used as you leave and enter the coach. If I am 'stepping on' a coach I would hope that, like TTC group strict rules will be observed anyway, but if not I will carry some supplies myself. Wearing the face thats she keeps in a jar by the door... The mask dilemma. Do we/Don't we. I'm not certain about this one. I would find it difficult to talk to you wearing a mask, but if it makes you feel better I will. For many years visitors from some countries have always worn masks when they feel unwell to stop them spreading germs rather than preventing infection. It is common to see on group coach tours and will probably become the norm. I am open minded about the issue and will be guided by your preference. Personally I usually wear a scarf that can cover my face as and when needed. Photograph I really love to take photographs on tours and have become pretty good at it! On private tours I will still do that, or course following top hygiene standards. Coach tours are gonna be a little different. Rather than taking 50 pics at a time and increasing risk to myself, for the foreseeable future I'm gonna suggest selfies at Penny Lane etc. I'll still maintain an orderly queue as we British do, and suggest the best angles, but I wont physically do the snapping. If you or any of your party feel unwell, and especially if you are showing symptoms of the virus, .for the foreseeable future it would be best to stay at home. Same goes for me. As soon as it is available I will be keen to take the antibody test to see if I have already been exposed and may have some immunity. Like many of you who may have had felt a little unwell over the Winter there is that possibility. I will share this information as soon as the tests are widely available. I'll Be Back We all will. When you're ready to take the plunge and book your trip just drop me a line on [email protected] if you have any concerns or suggestions as to how you think I can make this work best. I am taking bookings for August onwards with no deposit at the moment just in case we have to rethink. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE And lots of it, Stay safe and well everyone, Jackie You need to bear in mind here that my favourite genre of movie is romcom. I love Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle plus anything to do with time travel or alternative realities. You all know I Love The Beatles so obviously this film is right up my street. I wont dwell on the basic story, I think we all know it's a Love Story with a twist. Jack Malik doesn't realise that his manager and childhood friend Ellie is in love with him despite the fact that she manages his unsuccessful musical career with great enthusiasm. A strange worldwide power outage happens simultaneously with a bike accident in which Jack is hit by a bus then when he comes to, gradually realises he's the only person in the world who remembers The Beatles. He begins to play their songs to friends, family, then in pubs. He appears on the local radio station in Lowestoft where he performed In My life. It just so happens that Ed Sheeran is listening, calls him up and asks him to be the support act for his next tour. It's all very far-fetched but really enjoyable. He achieves worldwide fame but is haunted by the fact that he didn't write the songs himself and when he is outed by two mysterious people, one from Liverpool and one from Russia he is almost relieved. It turns out they're Beatles fans too, and like him still remember them and are delighted that he's keeping their music alive. They give him a piece of paper and he sets off on a journey to a secluded seaside home, knocks on the door and comes face to face with 78 year old John Lennon played by Robert Carlyle. This moment in the film is really bittersweet. Little twists of fate in this new universe means John Lennon became a sailor and not a musician. He travels the world , has a happy life and still alive and content in 2018. Alternative John's words of wisdom give Jack a new outlook on life and eventually he comes clean about the music tells Ellie he loves her and like any good Richard Curtis film The all live happily ever after. It wasn't particularly the story I wanted to write about but the little hints throughout. For non Beatles fans it's an enjoyable comedy. Casual Beatle fans will enjoy the music but for Beatle nerds such as many of the people I know you'll enjoy spotting little references and this is my take on some of them. After seeing the movie three times my main observation is that Jack channels Paul McCartney. The name Jack is a derivative of both John and James (Paul's first name) Jack's accident is very similar to one Paul had when he came off his moped and broke his front tooth. After Jack is released from hospital and meets his friends on the beach, in the background is a poster welcoming Jack back from the dead maybe a play on the whole Paul is dead thing. We also work out that he is 27 years old. 28IF Jack's is actually a teacher as Paul's mother wanted him to be Very far-fetched but the in very opening scene set on a beach a man dressed as a squirrel runs by. Die hard McCartney fans will know his children's book Wirral the squirrel. Ellie's surname is APPLEton His best friend who becomes a Hopeless Road manager is called Rocky (as in Racoon) In one of the pub scenes a poster advertises "George Smith" Ed Sheeran's tour map highlights Hamburg Love interest is Ellie, as in Eleanor, as in Rigby, her best friend is Lucy as in the Sky The American manager is named Deborah HAMMER as in Maxwells Silver Not really a Beatles reference but the dentist is Mike from The Young Ones...don't think his name is mentioned but I bet its Dr Robert When Jack stares at his reflection in the window it is in half silhouette like With The Beatles album Jack writes all his songs in his attic bedroom just like Paul did at the Ashers home Jack wears at least 3 outfits identical to Paul's Jack's poster/album cover with camera is the same as Paul's selfie John's boat is named "Imagin" Kids play on a Helter Skelter Jack and Ellie get married at St Peters Church Woolton where John met Paul, and Kip, the real life vicar is filmed writing a sermon and darning his socks there. more to be added...and please comment to add your own will also do a blog with Liverpool film locations Read all about it! Thanks to Mark Ashworth for writing all this down so I didn't have to ha - I'm more of a talker than a writer. Was a great day with great people.
While you're on Marks page, have a good peruse. There are some wonderful in depth articles there and some fabulous pictures, old & new. Great job Mr Ashworth! PART ONE - CLICK HERE PART TWO - CLICK HERE http://www.een.be/programmas/vlaanderen-vakantieland/from-liverpoolwith-lovehttp://www.een.be/programmas/vlaanderen-vakantieland/from-liverpoolwith-love
Have been busy with a few film crews lately. One of the promos has been released by Visit Britain and you can see me jumping up and down outside Paul McCartney's house and other silly stuff here. Delighted to be invited to do this by Visit Britain. Big honour that they chose me. Maybe I was the only professional Blue Badge Guide who'd do a daft dance??
Click here to see the video George Day really was very special this year. Take a look at the review here:
http://www.examiner.com/article/beatle-george-harrison-fans-get-unique-guided-tour-liverpool-for-his-birthday After a two year wait, the much loved and missed Jacaranda Club is up and running again! The venue has had a facelift but still features the basement murals painted by the Art College Dissenters including Rod Murray & Stuart Sutcliffe, with a little help from their friend John Lennon. The murals have been beautifully restored and the addition of a glass gallery means they can be viewed by visitors during the day when the cellar bar is not available. Back in 1960 Allan Williams would offer the basement as free rehearsal space to an up an coming band called The Silver Beetles. They returned the favour by playing The Jac around 10 times, mostly on a Monday evening when the regular Royal Caribbean Steel Band had the night off. With a nod to Allan's management, the club will repeat the ethos of the 60's and the fully equipped rehearsal space will be made available to up and coming bands who will play free gigs in return. Microphone stands will be provided so no raiding the broom cupboards for brushes and mops as the boys did. Guests will get to experience the best of the new music Liverpool has to offer and always for free. Of course the famous Thursday open mic sessions will be resurrected, and the cocktail menu is a thing of beauty which I'm planning on working my way through at leisure! There are still surprises to come, with another floor opening in the future, again featuring a throwback to the early days - watch this space!
Best of luck to the J team of Jens, Joe & Graham who are taking the bar forward to create a new chapter in the history of one of Liverpool's best loved venues. A perfect blend of old and new. The Jacaranda will now feature as a stop on all of my tours, and the first big Beatle event will be my George Harrison Day featuring the return of Beatleweek favourites, The Prellies. Saturday 21st February. See http://beatleguides.weebly.com/george-harrison-day.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Jacaranda-Club/112256287792?fref=ts Watch below if you want to see two Liverpool Beatles Ladies kicking ass on the BBC...Oh OK, Donna Jackson played a blinder and I was there too haha! Over a year ago after a shout out on Facebook, I accepted Donna's challenge and we applied to go on the BBC's most popular quiz show. Didn't hear for a while but all of a sudden, we're invited to an audition and a month or so later are whisked off to Elstree Studios (Star Wars) to film our episode of the show. We did OK! You can watch it here. ![]() I was lucky to spend a few days travelling around Norway recently. Absolutely beautiful country...although the beer is a bit pricey! Coincidentally, one destination was Trondheim, and the Rockheim Museum there happened to be hosting a fabulous Patti Boyd exhibition, "George, Eric and Me". Naturally I popped along to see it, but wasn't expecting such a warm welcome from Terje Nilsen, Rock Historian and project manager. Terje very kindly showed us all around the galleries in the iconic building next to Trondheim Harbour. Although I'm not too well up on my Norwegian musicians (barring Aha and Aqua!) the interactive displays were breathatking, taking you through from the 50's to the present day via heavy rock, electronica, dance music..in fact every genre. Finally we got to see Patti's exhibition. Photographs, clothing, memory boards and paintings, beautifully curated. Terje and his wonderful team gave each of us a 'goody bag' which I will treasure, My poster of George in the snow at Friar Park is breathtaking and takes pride of place at home. I know I have many Scandinavians coming to Liverpool to take my tours. I highly recommend a visit to this magical place. www.rockheim.no ![]() My recent trip to New York started off rather badly, when my wallet was lost / stolen at JFK. Before I even had time to alert the authorities, £300 was spent on my cards. Thankfully all of the money has been refunded by the card companies, but sadly, in the wallet was also my Official Liverpool Beatles Guide Badge. This badge is proudly worn by a small number of us who went through rigorous assessment and training to be appointed as Beatles Guides by the City of Liverpool. In other countries it would be deemed illegal to set up tours without a professional qualification, but not in the UK, so this, plus the blue badge is the accolade to check when making your enquiries for a Beatle Tour. I have always worn mine with pride, and really do miss it! The badge is very distinctive, featuring a black Rickenbacker on a gold background, and of course my name. I'd be really grateful if sharp eyed Beatle People would keep their eyes and ears to the ground to see if it surfaces. I arrived at JFK Exactly 50 years to the minute as The Beatles did, and so the badge would have been lost as I checked through customs at approx 1.30pm, Friday 7th February 2014. What a fantastic story it would make if we found it with Beatle People Power! Let me just add, that this bad start in no way spoiled my trip. If anything, the outpouring of concern from everyone made it even better. I can replace the badge, but I really want my original back, so HELP! There is a reward....a FREE tour to anyone who finds it, although you do have to make your own way to Liverpool! Thanks everyone, From me to you Jackie At the Fest for Beatles fans I was invited to do a slot on Ken Dashow's 'Breakfast with the Beatles' on Q104.3fm. Just before my interview, Ken heard me chatting to Billy J Kramer. He grew up just a couple of miles from me in Bootle so we had a good old chin-wag about Liverpool. Ken was gobsmacked by our REAL accents so he asked us to do some 'Scouse' on the radio show. This is the result. Sorry mum!! A strange thing happened during my visit to New York celebrating 50 years of The Beatles. Mark Lapidos, Fest organisor invited myself and London Tour Guide Richard Porter to accompany New York Guide Suan Ryan on her tours. We had started our tour by taking the subway to the Dakota. Have been there a few times now, and it is always a strange feeling. Susan told the story of the terrible day when John passed away, and then I stepped in and told of how I spend all my time in Liverpool going to his birthplace, where he grew up, his schools, homes etc. It was bizarre to be stood at such a sad spot. Richard then told of how the date is now a happy one for him, as 9th December (UK date) was the day Lilia, his daughter was born. Such a coincidence, as this is the same for me. My son Alex was born 9 years to the day John left us, 9th December 1989. Not only that, Susan's son was born in the hospital where John lost his life. We crossed to Strawberry Field, we saw the bench dedicated from the people of Liverpool after 9/11, we saw where John had celebrated his 40th birthday. I dont know if it was the jetlag, but the walk through the park was just magical in the snow. I had to pinch myself. We walked the length of the park and then stopped at the Plaza. As Susan was talking, I looked up and saw what I thought was a snowflake, it fluttered past Susan, toward Richard, and I held out my hand and it settled on my glove. It was a beautiful pure white feather. Everyone saw it, and understood. Was such a happy moment as you can see by my face in the picture. I still have the feather, here in Liverpool. Magical start to a wonderful weekend celebrating 50 years of The Beatles in the USA.
The story made the press! http://www.examiner.com/article/beatles-tour-guides-recall-magic-of-receiving-white-feather-from-lennon-s-spirit http://www.examiner.com/article/beatles-tour-guides-get-a-sign-from-above-while-on-tour-of-new-york It's funny how things come together. On a family holiday in Florida last year, I was delighted when Beatle Fan Caitlin Larkin showed me the Lennon Room at the Hard Rock Cafe, Orlando. She gave me an amazing tour, and we became friends, As we said goodbye, Caitlin introduced me to a guy with an 'All you need is love' tattoo and a Liverpool FC keyring. He was an avid Beatles fan, Liverpool FC fan and played John Lennon at the tribute band in Epcot. We all kept in touch via Facebook, and Matthew's dream trip came true when he visited Liverpool to see his heroes play at Anfield (it was a draw!) He got to play on stage at The Cavern Club, and then I took him on a Beatle Tour. Matthew asked if he could bring along his guitar, and boy am I glad he did! We had an amazing day out, and you can see ALL of the videos on my you tube channel, but the one I love most is the one where he played for the lovely Margaret at Ringo's former home. If you meet Margaret, you'll love her! If you live in the Philadelphia area Matthew plays regularly at Howl at the Moon. Take a look at this: I was honoured when Melissa Storey called and asked me if I'd be involved with a new project the Lush Spa Team were putting together. Having been a Lush fan for years, I jumped at the chance to take the musicians and therapists on a Beatle tour with a difference. They wanted inspiration for a brand new treatment in their amazing spa, all inspired by The Beatles. Musicians Simon Emmerson & Simon Richmond came along together with the therapists who were to perform the innovative treatment, plus Hannah,who designed the whole experience. They were all very much committed to making this very special. I was treated to three massage experiences before the Hard Days Night was complete and was completely astounded by them all. The Sound Bath was ethereal, the Validation Facial left me glowing, and the signature treatment, Synaesthesia was the most relaxing experience I think I ever had! The Beatle inspired massage was launched at the Hard Days Night Hotel, and hearing the absolutely sublime renditions of familiar tunes, I knew straight away that his was going to be something special. I wasn't disappointed. Take a look at the video, and make sure you book yourself some relaxation time during your visit to Liverpool to visit the Lush Spa on Whitechapel. Just around the corner from The Cavern Club. Hiya all, and welcome to my new website & blog. Its a work in progress at the moment, but I hope to build it up into something you'll visit regularly as I update you with all things Liverpool and Beatle. Exciting news to start with is my expedition to New York on Feb 7th to recreate the journey The Beatles did 50 years ago. Together with Jean Catharell from www.liverpoolbeatlescene.com we'll arrive at JFK exactly 50 years and 10 minutes after out local boys conquered the USA. I'll be there at the Fest for Beatle Fans at the Hyatt hotel. So far I'll be hosting a chat about the UK Beatle Tours at 2.15 on Saturday, and will accompnay US tour guide Susan on walking tours of New York at 8.30am Saturday & Sunday. Will check back with more info as and when it happens. Excited to the max!!!
Jackie SpencerIn my own write Archives
May 2024